According to Thomas Foti in Blackland Prairies of Southwestern Arkansas, published by the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission in 1989, Blackland Prairie is a region containing calcerous soils which lies primarily within the portion of the West Gulf Coastal Plain underlain by Cretaceous deposits. It is not one contiguous area, but is discrete areas in seven counties in Southwest Arkansas.
The forest vegetation consists of Oak-Hickory-Pine in the uplands and Floodplain Forest in the stream bottoms. The dominant grasses are Little Bluestem and Switchgrass. Terre Noire Farms is located in a critical Blackland Prairie region as identified by the Nature Conservancy. Much of the farm grassland was previously converted to non-native cool season grasses. Our management goal is work with the Nature Conservancy to utilize prescribed fires to reduce the cool season grass species and return to native warm season species. Our animal management practices, including regular rotation through the forest and grass lands is designed to assist with that process.