What's In A Pig?

Anders Askevold (1834-1900), Study of six pigs.
People often ask us what they get if they buy a whole pig. Since we picked one up at the processor today we thought we would show you. While each animal is unique, there are some general information we can share.
Our target live weight for processing is between 250 to 275 pounds. We determine the approximate weight by measuring the pig and applying the formula: weight = (heart girth squared * length) / 400. Obviously, that does not give you an exact weight, but should be relatively close. For example, the pig we picked up today measured 276 pounds when I measured her the evening before processing. But when we delivered her the next day she tipped the scales at 300! I was off 24 pounds, but that was pretty good approximation for me to determine when to take her in for processing.
We sell the pig based upon its "hanging weight," which is the weight of just the edible carcass. This pig's hanging weight was 212 pounds. So, what did we get? A whole bunch of meat!
There are many ways you can choose to have your pig processed. You might want pork loin instead of pork chops or Boston Butt rather than pork shoulder steak. This pig was processed at Cypress Valley Meat Company in Hot Springs. Here are the cuts laid out on our kitchen island.

It turns out that out of the 212 pound carcass we got 190.09 pounds -- and we could have gotten more, as for some reason we did not get the trotters or the bones. That would have been great for making pork stock! I will be sure to insist we get it all next time. Again, you can have your pig processed in the way that is best for your family.
We decided to have this pig mostly sliced, so we did not get a loin, picnic ham, or Boston Butt, receiving instead a lot of shoulder steaks, ham steaks, and pork chops. We also did not get jowl or cheek or other less popular cuts, choosing to get a little extra sausage. Anyway, here is a partial list of cuts from a 212 pound carcass.

Cut Pounds
Pork Chops (60) 32.88
Shoulder Steak 7.9
Country Style Ribs 10.61
Spare Ribs 4.87
Ham Steak 23.05
Ham Roast 18.01
Sausage 37.66
Pork Belly 23.51
Did you note the pork belly, instead of bacon? Well we decided that we would try our hand at curing and smoking our own bacon with one pork belly, and curing a pancetta with the other. We'll let you know how it turns out.
Email or give us a call if you want to know more about how you can have your pig processed or if you want to place your order for a whole pig, a half pig, or just some meat for a dinner party.